Customized Training Programs

Whether your horse is an unstarted colt or a seasoned show horse, Gina meets with all clients to create a customized, boutique training plan. Your training plan will be tailored to the unique development and learning needs of your horse.

Bay horse in western tack and grey horse in english tack learning to rope

New Horse Kindergarten | $975/month

For horses new to the Open Water Farms training program. Horses are required to join this program for the first three months at Open Water Farms, after which they move into the Standard Training Program. Includes professional groundwork, professional schooling rides, and full grooming and care.

Two large chestnut horses with a second and first place ribbon on their bridles

Standard Training Program | $900/month

For horses that have been at Open Water Farms for more than three months. Includes professional groundwork, professional schooling rides, and full grooming and care.